Changes_detail_observations_germany_formats_20170601 24.11.2017 Format and content changes on 1st June 2017 at the ftp-cdc server in: and all subdirectories. From 1st June 2017, the climate data are provided with less time delay. You will get more meta-data, and with this the filenames and formats are changed. For a transition period we provide a test directory under so you can adapt your routines. Some changes in the *.zip (product archive) filenames: The *.zip under*/kl/ get harmonized names with ‘KL’ is included in the name, also for the monthly files, and daily (recent), e.g., old: monatswerte _[Stations_id] (in directory recent) and monatswerte _[Stations_id]_[from]_[to] (in directory historical) become new: monatswerte_KL_[Stations_id] (in directory recent) and or monatstageswerte_KL_[Stations_id]_[from]_[to] (in directory historical) Changes within the *.zip files: The file Protokoll_Fehldaten is not given any more. Several changes of filenames within the *.zip: - any changes in station names during history are now given in an extra file: new: Metadaten_Stationsname_[Stations_id].html Metadaten_Stationsname_[Stations_id].txt -the geographical meta-data (coordinates, height) of the station get a new name: old: Stationsmetadaten_klima_stationen_[Stations_id]_[von]_[bis].txt new: Metadaten_Geographie_[Stations_id].txt -the parameter specific meta-data get a new name and will be now given in both txt and html: old: Beschreibung_klima_Element_[Stations_id].html new: Metadaten_Parameter_klima_tag[Stations_id].html Metadaten_Parameter__klima_tag[Stations_id].txt -the instrument specific meta-data are now sorted according to meteorological paramter: old: Beschreibung_klima_ [Luftdruck, Lufttemperatur, Sonne, Wind] _Detail_[Stations_id].html will be substituted by both html and txt with new :Metadaten_Geraete_[Luftdruck, Lufttemp_Am_Erdb_Minimum, Lufttemperatur, Lufttemperatur_Maximum, Lufttemperatur_Minimum, Niederschlagshoehe, Niederschlagshoehe_ind, Windgeschwindigkeit, Rel_Feuchte, Schneehoehe] _[Stations_id].html and _[Stations_id].txt Changes in filename of produkt*: abbreviations of terms Stundenwerte-> stunde, Tageswerte -> tag, Monatswerte -> monat, e.g.,: old: produkt_klima_Tageswerte_[von]_[bis]_[Stations_id].txt new: produkt_klima_tag_[von]_[bis]_[Stations_id].txt Change of data structure in produkt*: !! W a r n i n g: the order of columns has changed in the produkt* files !! Additionally, a second row Qualitätsniveau is inserted in case the data from two different measurement networks are combined. The column header names have changed, for instance in the column header is old: STATIONS_ID; MESS_DATUM_BEGINN; MESS_DATUM_ENDE; QUALITAETS_NIVEAU; ART; LUFTTEMPERATUR_MAXIMUM;LUFTTEMPERATUR;LUFTTEMPERATUR_MINIMUM;WINDSTAERKE;BEDECKUNGSGRAD; ART; SONNENSCHEINDAUER; ART; NIEDERSCHLAGSHOEHE; ART; max(LUFTTEMPERATUR_MAXIMUM);min(LUFTTEMPERATUR_MINIMUM);max(WINDSPITZE_MAXIMUM); ART; max(NIEDERSCHLAGSHOEHE);eor new (compare STATIONS_ID;MESS_DATUM_BEGINN;MESS_DATUM_ENDE;QN_4;MO_N;MO_TT;MO_TX;MO_TN;MO_SD_S;MO_FK;MX_TX;MX_FX;MX_TN;QN_6;MO_RR;MX_RS;eor An additional column V_N_I is inserted in case cloud cover is observed, indicating whether P=cloud cover is observed by a person, or E=cloud cover is given by an instrument. Refer to Metadaten_Parameter_*.txt for the explanations on the new column header names. In the new column names are related to the old column names. Timeline: From 1.6.2017 the old formats will be substituted by the new formats described above. It is possible that automatic routines designed for the old formats will give error messages. For testing use