Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport Deutscher Wetterdienst
OceanRAIN Release 2.0
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DOI for Scientific and Technical Data

OceanRAIN Release 2.0
The second release of the in-situ shipboard global ocean surface-reference dataset of all water cycle components
Klepp, Christian; Protat, Alain; Burdanowitz, Jörg; Michel, Simon; Albern, Nicole; Louf, Valentin; Schröder, Marc (2022): OceanRAIN Release 2.0: the second release of the in-situ shipboard global ocean surface-reference dataset of all water cycle components. DOI: 10.5676/DWD_CDC/OceanRAIN/V002
Klepp, Christian; Protat, Alain; Burdanowitz, Jörg; Michel, Simon; Albern, Nicole; Louf, Valentin; Schröder, Marc

The data has been produced within the project "Aufarbeitung von schiffs-basierten Disdrometer Daten und Bereitstellung einer erweiterten OceanRAIN Datenbasis (Reprocessing of shipboard disdrometer data and provision of an extended OceanRAIN data basis)" financed by the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) under contract number 3053221/19-RER. The support by ship operators and onboard weather station personnel is acknowledged. The raw data files were collected with financial support from the University of Hamburg and the Max-Planck-Institute for Meterology, Hamburg, Germany. The files were produced at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany.
Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD, http://www.dwd.de/EN/Home/home_node.html)
Publication Year
OceanRAIN Release 2.0 (Ocean Rainfall And Ice-phase precipitation measurement Network) provides in-situ along-track shipboard data of precipitation, evaporation and the resulting freshwater flux at 1-min resolution over the global oceans from 10 June 2010 to 31 December 2018. More than 11.6 million minutes with 82 parameters from 8 ships cover all routinely measured atmospheric and oceanographic state variables along with those required to derive the turbulent heat fluxes. The precipitation parameter is based on measurements of the optical disdrometer ODM470 specifically designed for all-weather shipboard operations. The rain, snow and mixed-phase precipitation occurrence, intensity and accumulation are derived from particle size distributions. Additionally, microphysical parameters and radar-related parameters are provided. Addressing the need for high-quality in-situ precipitation data over the global oceans, OceanRAIN-2.0 and -1.0 are the first comprehensive along-track in-situ water cycle surface reference datasets for satellite product validation and retrieval calibration of the GPM (Global Precipitation Measurement) era, to improve the representation of precipitation and air-sea interactions in re-analyses and models, and to improve understanding of water cycle processes over the global oceans. The OceanRAIN-2.0 dataset extends the precursor version OceanRAIN Release 1.0 (Klepp et al., 2018) by increasing the data volume by a factor of 1.7. Seven new radar-related parameters are added to the OceanRAIN-2.0 database including a complete reprocessing of the OceanRAIN-1.0 data. The S-Band radar data and the inclusion of the one-way attenuation for all four radar bands was highly demanded by the international science community working with the OceanRAIN data and thus triggered the reprocessing. The OceanRAIN-2.0 dataset comprises more than 9,100,000 valid minutes of observations of which 88% are true-zero minutes that are minutes with measured precipitation absence. 12% of the total minutes with precipitation split into 63% with rain, 31% with snow and 6% with mixed-phase precipitation.

"Peer-reviewed publications"
Jörg Burdanowitz, Christian Klepp, Stephan Bakan: An automatic precipitation-phase distinction algorithm for optical disdrometer data over the global ocean. Atmos. Meas. Tech 9, 1637-1652 (2016). https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-9-1637-2016
Christian Klepp: The Oceanic Shipboard Precipitation Measurement Network for Surface Validation - OceanRAIN. Atmos. Res., Special issue of the International Precipitation Working Group, 163, 74-90 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2014.12.014
Christian Klepp, Simon Michel, Alain Protat, Jörg Burdanowitz, Nicole Albern, Marvin Kähnert, Andrea Dahl, Valentin Louf, Stephan Bakan, Stefan A. Buehler: OceanRAIN, a new in-situ shipboard global ocean surface-reference dataset of all water cycle components. Sci Data 5, 180122 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1038/sdata.2018.122

"User Manual"
Christian Klepp, 2020: OceanRAIN Release 2.0, User Manual. User Manual
This is Version 2 of in-situ along-track shipboard OceanRAIN data.
Version 1 is accessible via the World Data Center for Climate at the Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum:
Temporal Coverage
2010/06/10 - 2018/12/31
Spatial Coverage
Ship routes over global oceans
Data Format
netCDF v4
approx. 8.7 GB
Satellite-Based Climate Monitoring
Deutscher Wetterdienst
Frankfurterstraße 135
63037 Offenbach/Main
e-mail: contact.or2@dwd.de
Supplementary infos
Terms of use
Product netCDF format
OceanRAIN-2.0 download

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