Grids of return periods of heavy precipitation (design precipitation) over Germany (KOSTRA-DWD)

DOI for Scientific and Technical Data



Grids of return periods of heavy precipitation (design precipitation) over Germany (KOSTRA-DWD)



Junghänel, Thomas; Ostermöller, Jennifer; Deutschländer, Thomas, "Grids of return periods of heavy precipitation (design precipitation) over Germany (KOSTRA-DWD) version 2020." Deutscher Wetterdienst, 2023, doi:10.5676/DWD/KOSTRA-DWD-2020.


Junghänel, Thomas (Deutscher Wetterdienst); Ostermöller, Jennifer (Deutscher Wetterdienst); Deutschländer, Thomas (Deutscher Wetterdienst)


Publication Date





Deutscher Wetterdienst


These ASCII grids contain statistical precipitation values as a function of the duration and the return period. The scope of the data is the engineering dimensioning of water management structures. These include, sewerage networks, sewage treatment plants, pumping stations and retention basins. They are also often used for the dimensioning of drainage systems and infiltration systems. With the help of the data, however, it is also possible to estimate the precipitation level of severe haevy precipitation events with regard to their return periods. This estimation is often used to assess damage events.

Spatial Coverage


Temporal Coverage

from: 1951-01-01 until: 2020-12-31

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tab opendata tab: The data set contains the ASCII tables for all 22 standard levels. An ASCII table contains the statistical precipitation (HN, design precipitation), rain donation (RN, design rain donation) and tolerance range (UC, uncertainty range) of the present duration level D for nine standard return periods T for the whole 300 × 300 grid. INDEX_RC describes the position of the grid in the format "line number multiplied by 1000 plus column number". Each row goes from West to East and each column goes from North to South. The first grid field is in the upper left corner. Grid fields that are not allocated with data have the missing value -99.9. Further information can be found in the support documents at (in German only).
gis opendata gis: The data set contains the vecor data sets of all 22 standard duration levels. A vecor data set contains the statistical precipitation (HN, design precipitation), rain donation (RN, design rain donation) and tolerance range (UC, uncertainty range) of the present duration level D for nine standard return periods T for the whole 300 × 300 grid. INDEX_RC describes the position of the grid in the format "line number multiplied by 1000 plus column number". Each row goes from West to East and each column goes from North to South. The first grid field is in the upper left corner. Grid fields that are not allocated with data have the missing value -99.9. Additionally, information about the projection (shp, dhx, prj, qpj-files), as well as layer style files for ESRI ArcGIS (lyr files) and QGIS (qml files) are available. Further information can be found in the support documents at (in German only).
asc opendata asc: The data set contains the raster data sets of all 22 standard duration levels and all nine standard return period levels. A raster data set contains the statistical precipitation (HN, design precipitation), rain donation (RN, design rain donation) or tolerance range (UC, uncertainty range) of the present duration level D and return period T. The range of the grid is 300 × 300 with a spatial resolution of 5 km × 5 km. In principle, the data sets can be loaded into geographic information systems (GIS) as raster data. The projection ETRS89-LAEA (PSG:3035) is to be used. Further information can be found in the support documents at (in German only).