Federal Ministry of Transportation and Digital Infrastructure Deutscher Wetterdienst
Radar-based Precipitation Climatology Version 2017.002 DE
Always quote citation when using data!
DOI for Scientific and Technical Data
10.5676/DWD/RADKLIM_RW_V2017.002 (gauge-adjusted one-hour precipitation sum)
10.5676/DWD/RADKLIM_YW_V2017.002 (quasi gauge-adjusted five-minute precipitation rate)

Radar-based Precipitation Climatology Version 2017.002
Gridded Precipitation Data for Germany
Gauge-adjusted one-hour precipitation sum (RW):
Winterrath, Tanja; Brendel, Christoph, Hafer, Mario; Junghänel, Thomas; Klameth, Anna; Lengfeld, Katharina; Walawender, Ewelina; Weigl, Elmar; Becker, Andreas (2018): RADKLIM Version 2017.002: Reprocessed gauge-adjusted radar data, one-hour precipitation sums (RW) DOI: 10.5676/DWD/RADKLIM_RW_V2017.002

Quasi gauge-adjusted five-minute precipitation rate (YW):
Winterrath, Tanja; Brendel, Christoph, Hafer, Mario; Junghänel, Thomas; Klameth, Anna; Lengfeld, Katharina; Walawender, Ewelina; Weigl, Elmar; Becker, Andreas (2018): RADKLIM Version 2017.002: Reprocessed quasi gauge-adjusted radar data, 5-minute precipitation sums (YW) DOI: 10.5676/DWD/RADKLIM_YW_V2017.002
Winterrath, Tanja; Brendel, Christoph, Hafer, Mario; Junghänel, Thomas; Klameth, Anna; Lengfeld, Katharina; Walawender, Ewelina; Weigl, Elmar; Becker, Andreas

Data has been produced within the project "Generation of a decadal radar-based high-resolution precipitation climatology for Germany for the retrieval of recent changes in precipitation extremes (Radar Climatology)" financed by the Strategic Agencies' Alliance "Adaptation to Climate Change" comprising the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK), the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR), the Bundesanstalt Technisches Hilfswerk (THW), the Umweltbundesamt (UBA) and the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD).
Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD, http://www.dwd.de/EN/Home/home_node.html)
Publication Year
The data are results of the reprocessing version 2017.002 of the DWD radar-based precipitation climatology based on the RADOLAN method. The precipitation sums (RW) result from the radar-based precipitation estimation that are adjusted with precipitation measurements by gauges. The YW products are five-minute precipitation rates quasi gauge-adjusted applying RW. The data is available on a 1 km x 1 km grid in polarstereographic projektion and covers the time span of 2001 until 2017. Version 2017.002 contains a thorough correction for radar artefacts compared to Version 2016.003.

In August 2019, the data set has been extended by the year 2018 (spanning from 01/01/2018, 05:50 UTC, to 01/01/2019, 05:50 UTC).
In April 2020, the data set has been extended by the year 2019 (spanning from 01/01/2019, 05:50 UTC, to 01/01/2020, 05:50 UTC).
In February 2021, the data set has been extended by the year 2020 (spanning from 01/01/2020, 05:50 UTC, to 01/01/2021, 05:50 UTC).
In Spring 2022, the data set has been extended by the year 2021 (spanning from 01/01/2021, 05:50 UTC, to 01/01/2022, 05:50 UTC).
In March 2023, the data set has been extended by the year 2022 (spanning from 01/01/2022, 05:50 UTC, to 01/01/2023, 05:50 UTC).
In May 2024, the data set has been extended by the year 2023 (spanning from 01/01/2023, 05:50 UTC, to 01/01/2024, 05:50 UTC).
The doi citation should therefore always include the used time span of the data.
In August 2019, formerly missing and corrupt data files have been published under the folder 'supplement'. Please, be aware that they are not part of the doi-referenced original data set.
NetCDF data from the year 2021 are incorrect. The corrected data can be found in the folder "supplement".

"Erstellung einer radargestützten Niederschlagsklimatologie"
T. Winterrath (1), C. Brendel (1), M. Hafer (1), T. Junghänel (1), A. Klameth (1,2), E. Walawender (1), E. Weigl (1), A. Becker (1)
(1) Deutscher Wetterdienst, Hydrometeorology Department, 63067 Offenbach/M., Germany
(2) Deutscher Wetterdienst, Department for Measurement Networks and Data, 63067 Offenbach/M., Germany
in Berichte des Deutschen Wetterdienstes Nr. 251, in German
This is Version 1 of the radar-based precipitation climatology Version 2017.002
Temporal Coverage
2001/01 - 2017/12
Extension 1: 2018/01 - 2018/12
Extension 2: 2019/01 - 2019/12
Extension 3: 2020/01 - 2020/12
Extension 4: 2021/01 - 2021/12
Extension 5: 2022/01 - 2022/12
Extension 6: 2023/01 - 2023/12
Spatial Coverage
Data Format
Binary (tar.gz)
Ascii with GIS header (tar.gz)
approx. 40 MB (RW) and 500 MB (YW) per gzip compressed and tar packed monthly archive
Dr. Tanja Winterrath
Hydrometeorology Department
Deutscher Wetterdienst
Postfach 10 04 65
D-63004 Offenbach/Main
e-mail: hydromet@dwd.de

Tel.: + 49 (0)69 / 8062-2978
Fax: + 49 (0)69 / 8062-3987
Supplementary infos
Product information
Terms of use
Product Ascii format Binary format NetCDF format
2001 - 2017 one-hour precipitation sums (RW) + extensions (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023) + supplement download download download
2001 - 2017 five-minute precipitation rates (YW) + extensions (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 + supplement download download download

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