Federal Ministry of Transportation and Digital Infrastructure Deutscher Wetterdienst
GPCC First Guess Daily Product

Always quote citation when using data!
DOI for Scientific and Technical Data
10.5676/DWD_GPCC/FG_D_100 (for 1.0° resolution)
GPCC First Guess Daily Product at 1.0°: Near Real-Time First Guess Daily Land-Surface Precipitation from Rain-Gauges based on SYNOP Data
Globally Gridded Daily Totals
For 1.0° grid resolution:
Schamm, Kirstin; Ziese, Markus; Becker, Andreas; Finger, Peter; Meyer-Christoffer, Anja; Rudolf, Bruno; Schneider, Udo (2013): GPCC First Guess Daily Product at 1.0°: Near Real-Time First Guess daily Land-Surface Precipitation from Rain-Gauges based on SYNOP Data. DOI: 10.5676/DWD_GPCC/FG_D_100
Schamm, Kirstin; Ziese, Markus; Becker, Andreas; Finger, Peter; Meyer-Christoffer, Anja; Rudolf, Bruno; Schneider, Udo
Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC, http://gpcc.dwd.de/) at Deutscher Wetterdienst
Publication Year
This is the GPCC First Guess Daily Product of daily global land-surface precipitation based on the station database (SYNOP) available via the Global Telecommunication System (GTS) of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) at the time of analysis (3 - 5 days after end of the analysis month). This product contains the daily totals for a month on a regular latitude/longitude grid with a spatial resolution of 1.0° x 1.0° latitude by longitude.
Interpolation is made for the daily relative quota of the monthly total, i.e., the daily total divided by the monthly total, the latter has the DOI:10.5676/DWD_GPCC/FG_M_100. The temporal coverage of the dataset ranges from January 2009 to the most recent month for which GTS based SYNOP data is available, i.e. the previous month, 3-5 days after its completion.

This GPCC product is recommended to be used when the timeliness of the precipitation information is of highest importance, e.g. for drought monitoring or climate watch similar to the (monthly) GPCC First Guess Product. In addition the GPCC First Guess Daily product allows to globally study extreme events and ralated statistics at daily resolution.
Peer-reviewed Articles

"Global gridded precipitation over land: a description of the new GPCC First Guess Daily product"
K. Schamm (1,2) M. Ziese (1), A. Becker (1), P. Finger (1), A. Meyer-Christoffer (1), U. Schneider (1), M. Schröder (2), and P. Stender (1)
(1) Deutscher Wetterdienst, Global Precipitation Climatology Centre, 63067 Offenbach/M., Germany
(2) Deutscher Wetterdienst, Satellite Based Climate Monitoring, 63067 Offenbach/M., Germany
in Earth System Science Data, DOI: 10.5194/essd-6-49-2014

"GPCC's new land surface precipitation climatology based on quality-controlled in situ data and its role in quantifying the global water cycle"
U. Schneider, A. Becker, P. Finger, A. Meyer-Christoffer, M. Ziese, B. Rudolf
Global Precipitation Climatology Centre, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach, Germany
in Theoretical and Applied Climatology, DOI: 10.1007/s00704-013-0860-x

"A description of the global land-surface precipitation data products of the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre with sample applications including centennial (trend) analysis from 1901-present"
A. Becker, P. Finger, A. Meyer-Christoffer, B. Rudolf, K. Schamm, U. Schneider, and M. Ziese
Global Precipitation Climatology Centre, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach, Germany
in Earth System Science Data, DOI: 10.5194/essd-5-71-2013

"The GPCC Drought Index - a new, combined and gridded global drought index"
M. Ziese (1), U. Schneider (1), A. Meyer-Christoffer (1), K. Schamm (1), J. Vido (1,*), P. Finger (1), P. Bissoli (2), S.Pietsch (3), A. Becker(1)
(1) Deutscher Wetterdienst, Global Precipitation Climatology Centre, 63067 Offenbach/M., Germany
(2) Deutscher Wetterdienst, Regionale Klimaüberwachung, 63067 Offenbach/M., Germany
(3) Deutscher Wetterdienst, Agrarmeteorologische Beratung, 63067 Offenbach/M., Germany
(*) now at: Technical University Zvolen, Department of Natural Environment, 960 53 Zvolen, Slovakia
in Earth System Science Data, DOI: 10.5194/essd-6-285-2014
General user recommendations
Users are referred to following gridded Global Precipitation Climate Centre (GPCC) products:

GPCC Climatology 1951-2000 (GPCC_Clim) with high representativeness, for application as a reference, and for utilization of the anomaly interpolation method.

GPCC Full Data Reanalysis (GPCC_FD) with high accuracy, for, e.g., verification of models, or for analysis of historic global precipitation, or for research concerning the global water cycle, e.g., trend and teleconnection analyses.

GPCC Full Data Daily Product (GPCC_FD_D) is recommended to be used when the daily precipitation information is of highest importance, e.g. for analyses of extreme events and related statistics at daily resolution.

GPCC Monitoring Product (GPCC_MP) with high availability and reasonable timeliness, for applications like calibration of satellite data, or early annual reporting.

GPCC First Guess Product (GPCC_FG) with high timeliness, to be applied for, e.g., drought monitoring.

GPCC First Guess Daily Product (GPCC_FG_D) with high timeliness, to be applied for, e.g., drought monitoring.

GPCC Drought Index Product (GPCC_DI_M) with high timeliness, to be applied for, e.g., drought monitoring.
Temporal Coverage
2009/01 - present expired month; updated monthly
Spatial Coverage
Latitude: -90.0 to 90.0; Longitude: -180.0 to 180.0
Data Format
gzip compressed NetCDF (classic)
(1 file, all days of month, 4 variables per gridcell: daily precipitation p in mm/day, standard deviation sd in mm/day, kriging error ek in %, number of stations per grid s)
List of Software for Manipulating or Displaying NetCDF Data show list
Panoply netCDF, HDF and GRIB Data Viewer Panoply Home
Climate Data Operators CDO CDO Home
NOAA's Weather and Climate Toolkit WCT Home
Metadata ISO 19115:2003/19139:2007
get XML document
~ 3 MByte (1.0 °) per gzip file
Dr. Andreas Becker, Head
Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC)
c/o Deutscher Wetterdienst
Postfach 10 04 65
D-63004 Offenbach/Main
e-mail: gpcc@dwd.de

Tel.: + 49 (0)69 / 8062-2900
Fax: + 49 (0)69 / 8062-3987
Supplementary infos
Product Info
Terms of Use
First Guess Daily Product for Month/Year 1.0 ° (.zip)
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